+358 40 504 0530

Subcontracting Fair 2019, Bistro menu

À la carte menu

Restaurant Hahn, main lobby, 1st floor

Three course menu €49.00

Choice of starter, main, and dessert.

Two course menu €39.00

Choice of main course and either a starter or a dessert.

We recommend booking a table in advance via email; asiakaspalvelu@finnresta.fi. Please note that your reservation is only valid after confirmation!

Open during exhibitions Tue-Thu at 11.00-15.30 (kitchen closes at 15.00).

The Bistro is located in the main lobby behind the information point (on the Hall C side).

The all-new nearly 200-seater á la carte restaurant Rygge opens on the 2nd floor of Hall E in the spring of 2020!!!


  • Sherry-flavoured parsnip soup with mallard terrine (L)
  • Cured beef (Finland) in juniper berry sauce and brandy nut cheese (L,G, contains dairy)

Main courses

  • Grilled beef tenderloin steak (Finland) with duck liver and Madeira sauce, served with truffle potatoes (L, G).
  • Griddled whitefish fillet (Finland) with chanterelle stew and horseradish butter (L, G, contains dairy)
  • Lemon risotto with grilled halloumi cheese and organic sprouts (L, G, contains dairy)


  • White chocolate and raspberries with orange blossom cream (L, contains dairy)
  • Chocolate cake with whisky flavored liqueur ice cream (4.2%) and espresso syrup (L)

Additional information

Menus contain allergens! For more information, please contact the staff. The portions may include ingredients and components that are not listed on the menu, so please inform the staff about any dietary requirements when placing your order.

Alcohol serving licence: Please note that Finnresta is licenced to serve alcohol all over the Tampere Exhibition and Sports Centre, and thus consuming or bringing in any alcohol products purchased elsewhere is prohibited in the exhibition area and punishable by law. In accordance with instructions from the licensing authority, we will confiscate any outside beverages for the duration of the event. We are happy to provide further guidance on this matter.


Anniskeluoikeus: Muistathan, että Finnrestalla on anniskeluoikeus koko Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksen alueella, joten kaikkien omien alkoholijuomien tuominen tai nauttimínen messualueella on Suomen alkoholilainsäädännön mukaan rangaistava teko! Anniskeluviranomaisilta saamamme ohjeistuksen mukaisesti takavarikoimme messuosastoilta löytyvät "omat tuotteet" tapahtuman ajaksi. Annamme mielellämme lisäohjeistusta asiassa.

Istutaan samaan pöytään. Verkkosivumme uudistuvat, nähdään pian uuden äärellä!